Thursday, June 4, 2009

Simple things...

Lately I have been opening my eyes more to the simple things around me. I'm amazed at the beauty of birds, flowers, trees, my goofy boys and by the strength that I see in people facing difficulty with grace.
My neighbour has been so amazing to my boys. She just paid Wyatt for cutting the grass, with his plastic lawn mower! She is such a sweet woman who is facing the battle of and for her life. One of MANY baby robins testing their wings and worm finding skills around our yard.

Our gigantic pine tree called Fat Albert is sprouting massive growth this year. It's like having a Christmas tree all year long in our front yard.

An iris blooming along my porch. Irises were my mom's favourite flower and I think of her every time I look at these beautiful blooms.

This is a bird nest built against the wall above my neighbour's front door. We watched these wee little birds build this nest with mud, grass and leaves all day. They certainly are messy!
I've heard that birds building nests around your home signals luck and new life. I hope for my neighbour that this is true.

1 comment:

Karan said...

life is too short to not take the time and smell the roses sort to speak...we rush in with ouro daily lives, not getting things we take for granted a second thought....its nice to be reminded of the simple things shelby